Friday, January 31, 2020

Nursing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nursing - Term Paper Example This particular objective is affective in nature. The reason for this is that it involves an emotional assessment of the acquired knowledge. It is a vertical growth from the cognitive stage (Read 1997). The third objective was to devise appropriate alternative learning activities. This objective is psychomotor in terms of domain because it a practical use of related knowledge. It marks a kind of physical process in the conceptualization process where acquired knowledge is processes into applied forms of knowledge. The fourth objective for this course was to develop a theoretically based justification for the alternative learning activity you suggest. This objective is also psychomotor in the sense in which it involves the practical conversion of the primary knowledge into its respective derivatives. This stage bridges the process of knowledge into all possible forms and by so doing creates more room for the expansion for the general body of knowledge. The various forms through which the primary knowledge is expressed therefore become the fresh thesis from which further advances might be made in the generation of knowledge. The cognitive domain as represented in the first objective can be characterized according to all the six levels of the cognitive domain. Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The environment and the teaching aids that make up the learning environment are quite conducive for these levels (O’Connor 2006). The electronic visual equipments such as the power point projector and the computer systems together with the controls of light and temperature are significant factors that define the six levels in the cognitive domain. The domain of the second objective is affective. The set up in the study environment satisfies the level of receiving, responding, valuing, and organizing. The study area has tools for auditory effects and is amply supplied with tools to measure and evaluate. This means therefore that

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