Saturday, August 22, 2020

Discrimination and Single Equality Scheme Essay

Ann Gravells states the significance of keeping uptodate with enactment and codes of training in Preparing to Teach in the LifeLong Learning Sector. As indicated by Gravells it is imperative to do so â€Å"to guarantee you are staying current with your insight and practice, and any progressions or updates that have taken place.† I follow different nonexclusive enactment and codes of training which identify with my job as an instructor and some that are explicit to the subjects I educate for example assessor and verifier grants, the executives, helath and socialcare (grown-ups and youngsters) and some particular to my association. As an educator I should know about and consent to the accompanying: †¢ Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. †¢ will be the obligation of each representative while at work††¢ (a)to take sensible consideration for the wellbeing and security of himself and of different people who might be influenced by his demonstrations or exclusions at work; and †¢ (b)as respects any obligation or prerequisite forced on his manager or some other individual by or under any of the significant legal arrangements, to co-work with him so far as is important to empower that obligation or necessity to be performed or consented to †¢ Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. †¢ Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005 (DDA). †¢ Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (intended to bring training inside the transmit of the DDA through the expansion of Part 4 DDA 1995). †¢ Equality Act 2010. the Act is to unite the entangled and various exhibit of Acts and Regulations, which framed the premise of against separation law in Great Britain. This was, essentially, the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and three significant legal instruments securing separation in work on grounds of religion or conviction, sexual direction and ageIt requires equivalent treatment in access to work just as private and open administrations, paying little heed to the ensured attributes old enough, inability, sex reassignment, marriage and common association, race, religion or conviction, sex, and sexual direction. On account of sexual orientation, there are unique assurances for pregnant ladies. On account of inability, managers and specialist organizations are under an obligation to make sensible changes in accordance with their work environments to defeat obstructions experienced by handicapped individuals. †¢ Data Protection Act 1998. †¢ Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (The Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003). †¢ IfL Code of Practice for Teachers (2008) covers the exercises of instructors in Lifelong learning area. Gravells, a the code depends on seven practices, specifically: proficient honesty, regard, sensible consideration, professiponal practice, criminal resistance exposure, duty during establishment examinations, obligation. †¢ Safer practice, more secure learning (2007) †obligations regarding defending defenseless grown-ups in the learning and aptitudes segment †distributed by NIACE and DES. The LSC Single Equality Scheme 2007-10: Our Strategy for Equality and Diversity (LSC, 2007) recognizes their system for guaranteeing legitimate prerequisites are met and is pertinent to all associations financed by the LSC (Learning and Skills Council), interface [pic] Although basically important for instructors working with students under 19 or helpless grown-ups under 25 years old, you ought to likewise take a gander at: †¢ Protection of Children Act 1999. †¢ Every Child Matters Each Child Matters (ECM) is a UK government activity for England and Wales, that was propelled in 2003, in any event mostly because of the demise of Victoria Climbiã © Its fundamental points are for each kid, whatever their experience or conditions, to have the help they have to: †¢ Be solid †¢ Stay safe †¢ Enjoy and accomplish †¢ Make a positive commitment †¢ Achieve financial prosperity Biblography: Gravells, Ann: Preparing tpo Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector : fourth Edition. †¢ Safer practice, more secure learning (2007) Responsibilities for protecting defenseless grown-ups in the learning and abilities part, NIACE also, DES. †¢ LSC (2007) Single Equality Scheme: Our Strategy for Equality and Diversity Online: [pic]

Friday, August 21, 2020

No Child Left Behind and the Effects on Children with Special Needs Research Proposal

No Child Left Behind and the Effects on Children with Special Needs - Research Proposal Example No Child Left Behind makes it mandatory that the schools over the United should follow the improvement and progress of all youngsters with a custom curriculum needs and understudies whose first language isn't English. The Act advocates the schools to devise systems with the goal that such understudies accomplish comparable score as their friends constantly 2014 (Harper, 2005). No Child Left behind Act advocates space and arrangements for understudies with a custom curriculum needs in light of the fact that not all youngsters who are constrained in English capability and have a learning incapacity have the ability to step through examinations that are like those of different understudies in their norm. The stipends involve one-on-one testing periods, extended test meetings, test booklets with huge text styles, helping understudies to structure their answers and gesture based communication interpreters (George and Margaret, 2007). The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) has favorab le circumstances for the understudies with unique needs or learning inabilities yet it additionally incorporates certain hindrances that may keep these understudies from practicing the entirety of the open doors expressed in the law (Cortiella, 2010). In the lieu of this paper we will examine the effect of NCLB on such understudies and survey its helpfulness for youngsters that require additional consideration because of any sort of learning inability. This specification in the demonstration helps the school organization; administrators, guardians and the Education Department survey the improvement in the advancement of understudies who are generally abandoned in better scholastic accomplishment. NCLB with all its evident favorable circumstances has started warmed discussions over the adequacy of state administered tests for the two gatherings that are the typical understudies and the understudies with extraordinary necessities, and... This paper focuses on that as indicated by the survey of writing on the point, it has been featured that the NCLB Act has massively influenced understudies with unique needs. The inspiration that is accommodated the low-performing understudies has diminished the degree of desires as opposed to expanding it. This is so a result of the way that the response of the law when the school neglects to gain sufficient ground isn't simply giving additional assistance to understudies yet in addition rebuffing the school. This report makes an end that NCLB targets diminishing racial and class inconsistencies in scholarly execution through building up normal desire for all understudies. The Act additionally necessitates that the schools to pay thought to scholastic execution of the oppressed understudies; understudies with extraordinary prerequisites, understudies from low salary bunches just as understudies of various ethnicities. Customary frameworks that were utilized by the states considered just the mean school execution. This permitted the schools to be evaluated exceptionally even in situations where there product expansive accomplishment disparities among oppressed and favored understudies. Broad research around there of increasing speed shows that it is a successful and ease instructive mediation for understudies with high capacities. 18 sorts of increasing velocities have been recognized. Double credit programs, capacity gathering, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate are some other posted proposals for addressing the necessities of the skilled understudies.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Analyzing a Visual Text for Messages about Gender - 825 Words

Analyzing a Visual Text for Messages about Gender (Coursework Sample) Content: NameInstructorCourseDateAnalyzing a Visual Text for Messages about GenderThe advertisement being analyzed is an Old Spice commercial that was played on TV stations in the year 2010. The ad is designed appropriately for the advancement of the use of Old Spice body wash by men. It is a question ad that acknowledges the need for men not only to look good, but also smell sweet in an appealing way for ladies. Human hygiene has been a critical subject in civilization. In the 18th-century, men were not keen on their grooming since it was believed that a man had to go out of his way to fend for his family. Most times men did not take it upon themselves to smell nice, but this perception has changed. The contemporary man has to mind his scent and the advertisement on Old Spice attempts to attract men into embracing the fragrance of their body wash. .The advert is a monolog consisting of a male model that is physically built and toned. This symbolizes a successful man who is ke en on taking care of his body. It also signifies a strong man who is appealing to the ladies. The first question he asks is if women want their men to have the sort of body he has. This statement portrays confidence and a high self-esteem. The ad passes on the message that men who use this fragrance need to be confident in how their look. The model states that men might not look like him, but they can smell like him. This statement provokes both women and men to try the product even though they might not smell the fragrance. The aura the model conveys is of an ambient environment that is clean and natural. The setup is on an island with clear blue skies and a shower next to him. This has a visual effect on the audience especially ladies since it portrays a sense of freshness and fragrance in paradise. It appeals to women to ask their men to try this product to experience such heavenly ambiance.The other question the model asks is whether ladies should let their men use Old Spice bod y wash but is indefinite on the answer. Just then the background changes since he wants to take both ladies and gentlemen through the experiences of a man who uses Old Spice. A man who uses the body wash is adventurous and outgoing. He gets into his shorts and loves exploring the wild as seen in the background where there is a forest and a lake that this individual swims in. Men who use the body wash are exceptionally clean since the advert has water flowing in every setting of the advert. This appeals to the women as it is fantastic to have a man who is spontaneous and knows how to explore nature in a proper manner. Adventure and spontaneity are traits that are perceived well by most women and men aspire to have them. The man who uses Old Spice body wash smells of adventure and can be more attractive to women.The most intriguing part of the advertisement is when the model asks if ladies want a man who can bake a cake. These appeals to feminist fantasy of a man who smells nice and c an take it upon himself to cook for his woman. Baking has been a traditional role of women, and most men were not expected to enter the kitchen to prepare anything. Over time, this tradition has changed with more men taking up professions in cooking. It has become appealing for a man to make food for a woman. This makes the man more romantic and passionate about meeting the needs of his partner. Women crave for a man who can bake, and it is an added advantage if he smells nice while doing so. So the advert asserts that any man who uses the body wash can be this romantic.In addition, the advert appeals to the masculinity of men in building and constructing their homes. Men who use the body wash are handymen. They take it upon themselves to engage in carpentry and masonry in an effort to build the best houses for their wives. This is the traditional role of a man. A man is expected to provide his family with proper shelter that ensures they live in a secure environment free from any h arm. The man, for this reason, ensures that the family can also get the amenities that it needs in the house. For instance, that kitchen is staffed well portraying the image of a man who cares for the needs of his family. The model does some wood work and credits the building of the house to the ability of a man. This advert appeals to all men who engage in constructive work to embrace Old Spice as a body wash of choice. A man who engages in building and construction is very attractive to ladies. A man who can ensure that his family is taken care of appropriately and well fed is a responsible man. The traditional role of a man as a superior sex that needs to head the family and provide for it is still heavily regarded in the society. Even though women have been empowered so much so that some ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Role of Communication in Motivating Employees

Communications 1. Introduction The modern day business society is extremely dynamic and competitive. In the context of increasing forces of globalization, economic agents transcend boundaries and strengthen their competitive positions. This virtually means that the companies are presented with two different situations. For once, within the global community, they become able to access wider consumer markets and enhance their sales levels. On the other hand however, within the domestic community, they encounter increased competition as more foreign players enter the local market. The business community as such becomes more and more competitive. But the complexities of the economic climate do not end with globalization, as these are enhanced by other elements as well. For instance, the demands of the customers exponentially increase when they are presented with multiple options. Then, the technological advancements allow the economic agents to operate in a more efficient manner, but they also create a dditional competition and require supplementary financial investments. To add to all these, economic agents face pressures from the changing political climate, the overall state of the economy or the changing behaviors of their staff members. Most of these changes are derived by the external environment, with the companies having little power over them. Still, what the economic agents do is to research them and strive to adapt to them as best as they know how. In thisShow MoreRelatedHow The Organization Might Apply The Management Theories925 Words   |  4 Pagestheories. In addition, will analyse differences between motivating individuals and motivating teams. It will explain what manager skills required in motivating teams and how these elements affect the business decision making and manage the change in the organisation. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020


We see them everywhere these days, on the way to work, on the highways, parked in every driveway and hundreds of them by every shopping center. Sports utility vehicles have given a new meaning to the word car. When it comes to safety, SUVs (sports utility vehicle) are by far the most dangerous vehicles on the road, and the road is exactly the place they should not be. Sports utility vehicles are designed for off road driving. It seems like bigger the body is on a SUV, the more popular it is; the SUVs that we see on the roads today are still a normal size car compared to the coming future models. With huge bodies and very low safety features sports utility vehicles are being used for totally wrong purposes. Their huge bodies make it†¦show more content†¦The chances of survival for the passengers in the sedan would be 4 times less. Due to a tall chassis that the body of the vehicle is mounted on, the risk of flipping is very high. A sports utility vehicle is nothing but a mini van body on a 4x4-truck frame. A mini van or a full size van serves exactly the same purpose as a sports utility vehicle does, and the vans are much safer, also they consume much less gasoline 270,000 Chevrolet Suburban and Yukon’s are on recall, due to airbag problems. Second reason why SUVs are not a safe transportation vehicle is that oil today, is a natural resource that will only last for 45 more years. A sports utility vehicle with an engine size of 5.7 liters has a gasoline mileage equivalent to two Toyota Camrys and one Honda Civic combined. In order to tow a trailer that is more than 3000 pounds, then a large SUV is the best choice. However if the trailer is less than 3000 pounds, there are many mini vans that are up to the task. The Chevrolet venture tows 3500 pounds and the Pontiac trans port tows 3000, for example. Mini vans and some wagons have more usable space than SUVs of comparable size. Interior space is sacrificed when SUV bodies are designed around truck frames or other 4WD systems. Though few will admit it, many poseurs think that their SUV gives them a tough, independent image instead of the quot;soccer momquot; or quot;married manquot; image of a mini van or wagon. While this might haveShow MoreRelatedHotel Casino Analysis15841 Words   |  64 Pagescosts are for electricity and one fourth for fuel. 1 Robert Mendelbaum, â€Å"Hotel Utility Costs Surge Protection is Needed,† Hotel Online Special Report, PKF Hospitality Research March 2004. 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Pursuing the Value-Conscious Consumer Journal of Marketing

Question: Describe about Pursuing the Value-Conscious Consumer for Store Brands Versus National Brand Promotions? Answer: When I started deciding to opt for the Ph.D. in marketing, I explored a wide range of information online. I realized while opting for higher studies especially in the field of research, motivation is an important aspect of motivation provides guidance in the performance of the individual. The first motivation that I derived and decided to pursue Ph.D. in marketing is the desire to become a professor (Nerad Heggelund, 2008). The first step that is required to become a professor is the Ph.D. degree. Since I have completed my graduation in business administration, I have learned a lot of business theories and models that helped when during the graduation as my major is in MBA. In the course of learning business administration, I developed liking for the marketing subject. So when I decided to pursue Ph.D., I promptly decided to commence my degree with a specialization in marketing. Some individuals have special liking for higher degrees of education (Ralph, 2004). The desire to become a Ph.D. had been instilled in my minds from childhood days. All of these factors that lead me and encouraged me to pursue the Ph.D. in marketing that is discussed in this essay. I have been interested in the field of academics and, in particular, want to become a professor. I believe in the opportunity to establish a sound relationship between the students and former students. I want to nurture the intellectual spirits in the students and witness their growth in the field of education (Kroll, 2015). Since, I derive greater interests in the field of the academics, being a professor would help me to establish the connection between the changes that take place in higher education. I would also like to encourage the students in the fields they work and in doing so I would also develop new ideas and knowledge regarding different fields. The next aspect that was necessary for the decision of pursuing Ph.D. in marketing is the choice of the subject. The marketing is the study where the relationship between the organizations and consumers. The study of the consumer behavior will help me to understand the nature of the students in case I become a professor and nurtur e their skills and talents (Maldonado, Wiggers Arnold, n.d.). The next idea that encouraged me to pursue higher education is the influence in my family. Most of my family members had completed higher education in their respective field. The major influence that I received for pursuing Ph.D. is from my cousin. Though the academic field of my cousin is different, it is very encouraging to learn that he had completed his MD which is Doctorate in Medicine. From the childhood days, I was very fond of my cousin and spent most of time listening to his experience at the University when he was still pursuing the degree. O adored him to the level that encouraged and inspired me to pursue the Ph.D. just like him. This turned out to be the major influence in my life to pursue Ph.D. in marketing though the desire to undertake marketing as a specialization was my personal decision. The idea regarding my choice of undertaking marketing came from my graduation days (Ailawadi, Neslin Gedenk, 2001). During graduation, I completed the degree in business administ ration. Through the course of business administration, I learned a lot of business theories and models, and I also had a paper on marketing field (Conduit, Matanda Mavondo, 2013). This interested me as I always like to connect at the individual level. Marketing is such that the individuals are the main components which mean that studying Ph.D. in marketing will encourage me to understand several other theories that will help me to understand better the subject (Bush, Smart Nichols, 2002). The decision to study at the Department of Marketing of the ABC University depended upon several factors. One of the important factors for the selection is the quality of education at the University. I acquired knowledge about the university from the seniors that the quality of education is high. There are numerous test assignments that the students need to complete within the deadlines (Ruben, 2004). In this way, the students are continuously being encouraged. The next aspect is that the University offers Ph.D. in marketing. The professors associated with this university are very supportive and have a unique relationship with all the students and help them in commencing the studies and the research in the respective field. The other factors that influenced my decision to pursue the Ph.D. in marketing are the cost of the course (Maldonado, Wiggers Arnold, n.d.). The fees of this university are affordable for me, and the campus of the University is within my desired area. So the deci sion to pursue Ph.D. in marketing in ABC University is feasible. References Ailawadi, K., Neslin, S., Gedenk, K. (2001). Pursuing the Value-Conscious Consumer: Store Brands Versus National Brand Promotions.Journal Of Marketing,65(1), 71-89. doi:10.1509/jmkg. Bush, A., Smart, D., Nichols, E. (2002). Pursuing the concept of marketing productivity: introduction to the JBR Special Issue on Marketing Productivity.Journal Of Business Research,55(5), 343-347. doi:10.1016/s0148-2963(00)00163-6 Conduit, J., Matanda, M., Mavondo, F. (2013). Balancing the act: the implications of jointly pursuing internal customer orientation and external customer orientation.Journal Of Marketing Management,30(13-14), 1320-1352. doi:10.1080/0267257x.2014.909513 Kroll, D. (2015).Top 10 Reasons Being A University Professor Is A Stressful Job.Forbes. Retrieved 1 September 2015, from Maldonado, V., Wiggers, R., Arnold, C.So you want to earn a PhD?. Maldonado, V., Wiggers, R., Arnold, C.So you want to earn a PhD?. Nerad, M., Heggelund, M. (2008).Toward a global PhD?. Seattle: Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education, University of Washington. Ralph, E. (2004).Pursuing instructional effectiveness in higher education. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Ruben, B. (2004).Pursuing excellence in higher education. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Word Essay Example

Word Essay Not everyone is willing to use a bad word as their topic for an article, but Beverly Gross, who is an English professor in college, uses â€Å"Bitch† as a topic for her article. After a class discussion, Gross starts to think about what is the certain meaning of â€Å"bitch†. She wants to find out the specific definition for this derogatory word, she uses a lot of definition from dictionaries and anecdotes. In this article, Gross appeals heavily to logos to prove her argument that there is no certain definition of the word bitch and that the meaning depends on both the time and the context. Gross lists many definitions from different dictionaries to support her claim in a logical way. For example, the main meaning from the Oxford English Dictionary: 1. The female of the dog. 2. Applied opprobriously to a woman; strictly a lewd or sensual woman. Not now in decent use. This English dictionary represents the authority, but for this word, the definition is clearly understandable. Dictionary said bitch is female dog; this is truly a humiliation to women in any contents. Every women would hate people connect dogs to them in the past, now or future. She also lists few definitions from Eugene E. Landy’s The Underground Dictionary: 1. Female who is mean, selfish, cruel, malicious, deceiving, a. k. a. cunt. The words that describe bitch are all derogatory sence. But the definition from this dictionary is not that strong as the Oxford English Dictionary. The meaning of bitch is changing during this time. In this article, gross wrote â€Å"a word used by men who are threatened by women† was one astute response. We will write a custom essay sample on Word specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Word specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Word specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Threat lurks everywhere: for women the threat is being called bitch. I knew it when I finished read this article. According to Gross â€Å"there is no classifiable thing as a bitch, only a label produced by the act of name-calling† (489). Gross’s point is that there is no certain definition of word bitch, what we learn from the dictionaries is bitch’s meaning is always changing over the time. I found Gross’s article very informative. Although I think women dislike word bitch, I am a girl, I would never call other females bitch. Gross revealed a number of anecdotes to improve her claim. For example, Madonna said that she enjoyed expressing herself, it was not merely the explanation for why Madonna gets called a bitch, but it was the key to defusing the power of bitch to fetter and subdue. Gross makes an important point is that long time ago, women wouldn’t let someone else call her bitch, because it’s a bad word, however, in Twenty-first century, women are not subdued by the word bitch. But in fact, I wouldn’t let someone call me bitch!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Top Common College Regrets

Top Common College Regrets Sometimes we wish we could go back in time and change something in the past. Unfortunately, its impossible. But what if you could know the main pitfalls of studying in college? What if you could know how to avoid making those mistakes? We have asked former students to let us know what their main college disappointments were and these were the six most common regrets: 1. Not Making Enough Friends â€Å"I am rather a shy person. When studying at college, I thought that a couple of people whom I had been friends with since high school would stay on my side through the whole my life. I didnt think that I should befriend new people in college and I didnt feel like doing it. However, the time has changed my opinion as my school friends are not my friends anymore. Now I wish I made more friends when I had the chance. There were so many interesting, diverse people, passionate about their hobbies, who I could invite into my life to enjoy this friendship for a long time. But I missed my chance.† Alice, College for Creative Studies, Detroit Maintaining friendships in college might seem hard. However, making friends after graduation is not any easier. Actually, it is much harder. Why is college a perfect time to find friends for life? College allows you to study and live among lots of other people of your age. Its easier for you to find people with whom you share the same interests and hobbies. You can meet new people almost every day on campus or at parties, college events, and group studies. Its easier to start a conversation as you already have something in common – your learning institution. Being too busy to hang together or struggling to find people with similar interests doesnt make it any easier for people to build new friendships after graduation. So, its not uncommon for adults of 25-35 years to feel lonely and socially awkward, mainly because they havent made friends through their study years. 2. Choosing the Wrong Major â€Å"I thought that I had a lot of time to think about what I want to do with my life. I thought that it wasnt that hard to pick a major. What do you need to do? Just think what you like doing, and thats it. This is what I thought. Now I know that picking a major without actually investigating into the field, researching about your future job – responsibilities, duties and average salaries, makes you regret your decisions.† Craig, Cornell College, Mount Vernon Of course, picking the wrong major is not the type of problem that cant be fixed, but it might cause a lot of difficulties with employment. So, think twice before making a decision. 3. Being Too Stressed out About Grades â€Å"Oh, my God! Grades, deadlines, assignments! Thats all that I was thinking about. I pulled all-nighters, drank too much coffee, and didnt pay any attention to my social life. As a result, I had no friends or relationships, and all my college memories are tied to digging the Internet in an attempt to find another fact for my research paper. Dont do that, guys. Your GPA wont be engraved on your tombstone.† Becka, St. Olaf College, Northfield Grades are important. But they dont define you. Placing them into the center of your life might cause you to give up your social life, friends, hobbies, and instead spend all your time studying. Remember the rule of â€Å"80/20† (a â€Å"Pareto principle† that states that generally 80% of results come from the 20% of effort) dont study longer, study more productively instead. And dont let grades rule your life. 4. Not Exploring Your Opportunities â€Å"A few years after graduation, Im jealous of my dorm roommate who was always busy with something. He was involved in different projects and used every chance to get the most out of our college. For example, he traveled abroad to study, worked on campus, was taking internships, and made so many friends in different clubs. Now I understand that he just used opportunities that I was too lazy to ask about in spite of them being right in front of me.† Mike, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore Your college might offer you much more than you know. Just conducting a little research on what facilities you have access to or what events you can attend will make a big difference. Its not uncommon for students to pay for a gym while there is an opportunity to use one for free on campus. They just didnt know because they didnt ask. Dont miss your opportunities and explore more. 5. Not Being Single â€Å"The long-distance relationship that I had in college makes me cringe now. I thought that all the inconveniences that I experienced were worth it. Guess what? They were not.† Sophie, Earlham College, Richmond Some former students regret being in a relationship through their college years, while others regret being single. There might be no â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong† until what you do makes you happy. If your college relationship makes you enjoy yourself and your significant other, chances are high that you will have great memories about these years later on. However, if you feel unhappy, make sure to do what you can to fix the problem. Dont waste your time on people who dont want to spend their time with you. 6. Not Paying Enough Attention to Finances â€Å"My student loan was something that seemed abstract to me. I wasnt educated on how to manage my finances and wasnt smart enough to try to learn more about it myself. As a result my biggest regret is that I missed a lot of time and opportunities to pay my loan faster.† Cecil, Reed College, Portland Managing finances in college and after graduation is something many people face with fear. Not all of them understand what they need to do or how the banking system works. Thats why when it comes to student loans, a lot of former students regret not knowing enough to act wiser with their financing. For example, not many students know that they can refinance their loans, split their payments, or sign-up for auto-pay to avoid missed payment deadlines. Wrapping Up Picking the wrong learning institution or wrong major might be a big regret, but it doesnt mean that you cant change everything for the better. We hope these common college regrets will help you avoid making mistakes or at least will let you know that most people have at least one thing to regret. Let us know what your college regrets are, if any. Good luck!

Friday, February 28, 2020

Communicable Diseases Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Communicable Diseases - Research Paper Example These improvements were still strong up to one year following the program, and suggest that community organizations can effectively deliver sexual disease prevention programs. Further research will be needed to expand the concept to a larger portion of the population. The consequences of interactions between HIV, other STDs, and genital inflammation on infection transmission is the topic of study in a 2011 article by Mayer and Venkatesh. This review includes several clinical studies and meta-analyses on the topic and offers a brief summary of each. It is observed that the current approach to STD related HIV interventions is inadequate. STDs are certainly linked to higher HIV acquisition risks, but the data shows that treating the STD alone is not enough to reduce the threat. Instead, it is suggested that the genital tract damage and inflammation that can result from STDs is the key factor in increasing the risk for contracting HIV. The authors conclude by suggesting that a more robust method is needed in these situations, and it should address genital tract damage and the presence of other pathogens along with delivering direct STD

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Criminology - Essay Example This is done particularly using the criminological theory. The riots actually started from the night of 9th August 2011 in Wolverhampton, and went through the whole next day i.e. 10th August 20111. After which people started to clean up there city and save the historic elements of Wolverhampton2. Until the riots broke out no one could actually believe that London and its neighboring towns can ever get affected through such criminal activities and the people who were thought to be most civilized can turn into real criminals3. Here I would be discussing the four criminal cases with respect to the culprits. Wulfrun Social Service Department has been involved in all these cases in relation to arrests and punishments. Wulfrun had powerful riots broke out in the city which ended up in great distress, severe destructions and loss of millions of pounds. A significant number of rioters entered the city like a storm and took hold of all the shops and business4. They cracked down the windows and cause great loss to the city dwellers especially coming in their way. The Midland Police reported that youth have attacked the city and that they continued to create distress even in Birmingham and other cities hence covering the whole United Kingdom5. Here the astonishing fact was the age and occupation of the rioters; most of them belonged to good family backgrounds and were students at the major universities. Majority of them were pretty young to commit such criminal activities. The whole city situation left the shopkeepers and businessmen to calculate their losses particularly in the Wulfruna Street, Dudley Street, Princess Street, etc. The real loss was done by the rioters in the Queen Square who were all youngsters prowling the city in congregation. According to the police the number of riots was up to 300 who were there in the Dudley Street at the ending time. These rioters were running in the city, cause

Friday, January 31, 2020

Nursing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nursing - Term Paper Example This particular objective is affective in nature. The reason for this is that it involves an emotional assessment of the acquired knowledge. It is a vertical growth from the cognitive stage (Read 1997). The third objective was to devise appropriate alternative learning activities. This objective is psychomotor in terms of domain because it a practical use of related knowledge. It marks a kind of physical process in the conceptualization process where acquired knowledge is processes into applied forms of knowledge. The fourth objective for this course was to develop a theoretically based justification for the alternative learning activity you suggest. This objective is also psychomotor in the sense in which it involves the practical conversion of the primary knowledge into its respective derivatives. This stage bridges the process of knowledge into all possible forms and by so doing creates more room for the expansion for the general body of knowledge. The various forms through which the primary knowledge is expressed therefore become the fresh thesis from which further advances might be made in the generation of knowledge. The cognitive domain as represented in the first objective can be characterized according to all the six levels of the cognitive domain. Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The environment and the teaching aids that make up the learning environment are quite conducive for these levels (O’Connor 2006). The electronic visual equipments such as the power point projector and the computer systems together with the controls of light and temperature are significant factors that define the six levels in the cognitive domain. The domain of the second objective is affective. The set up in the study environment satisfies the level of receiving, responding, valuing, and organizing. The study area has tools for auditory effects and is amply supplied with tools to measure and evaluate. This means therefore that

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Problems And Preventions Of Ebola And AIDS :: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

Viruses have become of great concern all across the world in the last few decades. The most common and the most talked about killer virus is AIDS, a virus that starts out as HIV and then proceeds to develop into a immune breaker that ultimately kills its human host. So far, there is no cure for AIDS, and most unfortunately the numbers of deaths from AIDS only continues to grow. However, another virus has gained much public and national attention. That virus is called Ebola. It is thought that Ebola's effect on humans is restricted to Zaire, Africa. Viruses that kill people in large masses is a major threat to mankind; the only hopes of destroying the viruses is dependant upon technology. AIDS is a deadly disease that most people understand as a sexually transmitted disease. In fact, the virus can be transmitted sexually, but it can also be transmitted through blood transfusions. The fact that it can be transmitted sexually causes a great problem. Everyday, enormous amounts of people have sex--some people with different partners. People may have less sex than before because of the threat that the virus poses, but it has already started, and cannot be stopped until a cure is found. Unlike Ebola, AIDS was not detected as early as one would have hoped. The AIDS virus can stay dormant for over a decade before it is noticed as a real problem (Shenon 8). During that decade, the virus can spread like a wild fire. One person contracts the virus, transmits it to another, and another, and so on. As Shenon explains, AIDS became recognized as a real problem in the early seventies and was mostly concentrated in the United States and in Africa, but surprisingly it reached Asia a decade afterward. He goes on to explain that AIDS has spread exponentially in Asia. Thailand, recognized for its proliferation of prostitutes and illegal promotion of sex with children, could be held responsible for the tremendous outbreak of the virus in Asia, explains Shenon. He also points out that now that the virus has already broken out, Asia has the best AIDS prevention agenda in the world (8). For now the best prevention of AIDS that is available is education and protected sex. Until a cure is found for the ruthless virus, this is the only means of prevention that is available to the public. Ebola is one of the most rapidly fatal viruses on the planet and is believed to have begun somewhere in Zaire, Africa (Altman 3). There is no positive explanation as to how the virus is

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Antagonist Analysis of The Great Gatsby Essay

Tom Buchanan, the antagonist in the book, The Great Gastby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald is the darker side of the main character, Jay Gatsby. Where as Gatsby is an agreeable, attentive gentleman, Tom is the abrasive, physically powerful, and careless man who is concerned about one thing†¦himself. Tom is introduced as an arrogant and abusive husband to his wife Daisy Buchanan, who states, â€Å"That’s what I get for marrying a brute of a man, a great, big, hulking physical specimen of a —-,â€Å" as she tries to deal with his selfish and emotionally abusive ways (F. Scott Fitzgerald 12). The Great Gatsby explores the dynamics of relationships between the love (or lack thereof) between man and woman. Fitzgerald portrays antagonist Tom as self-centered human being, not only through the emotional abuse and negligence of his wife, but likewise through the sexual encounters and philanders of various women. One of Tom’s lovers, Myrtle Wilson, is so engrossed and enchanted by Buchanan that she is willing to risk her own marriage and is no longer attentive as some of her actions include â€Å"walking through her husband as if he were a ghost, shook hands with Tom, looking at him flush in the eye† (Fitzgerald 26). Unlike Tom, whose life revolves around no one other than himself, Gatsby’s life centers on finding the long lost love of his life, Daisy, and engulfing her with the true endearment of love between a man and woman. His one desire to fulfill his life with true love is interrupted twice by Tom Buchanan. Having loved Daisy as a young teenage boy and loosing her to life’s circumstances, Gatsby is determined to continue his search in hopes of locating this special woman who can never be replaced by no other beautiful face or body. Gatsby’s adoration and respect for Daisy drives him to cast all his possessions and even his life into securing her love and saving her name, as he did after the accident shifting blame from her to him, â€Å"but of course I’ll say I was† [driving the car that hit and killed Myrtle] (143). Tom and Gatsby are black and white images of one another. Tom, the darker character, is a cold heartless man who moves people around like pegs on a game board. He continually rolls the dice to calculate his next moves giving no thought to the human lives he has at stake. After the death of Myrtle, Tom shows his lack of interest for the welfare of the woman he has been having an affair with and uses an opportunity to shift conflict between George, Myrtle’s husband, and Gatsby, â€Å"Wilson’ll have a little business at last† (137). Unlike Tom, Gatsby’s bright image of love, concern, and devotion carries throughout the story. Gatsby holds onto love until the dire end, electing to protect Daisy from the wreck and the reckless relationship with her husband Tom, â€Å"I’m just going to wait here and see if he tries to bother her about that unpleasantness this afternoon (144). Tom is the perfect character to represent the antagonist in, The Great Gatsby. His selfish acts toward each character in the story shows his lack of respect for human relationships and his indulgence for self.